Thursday, May 26, 2011

Artichoke Cooked In Apple Juice

Artichokes have to be the most annoying vegetable to eat. I mean you spend so much time ripping apart the leaves that you hardly eat anything. But hey, when you buy them for a dollar why not spend the time to cook and eat them. They're also very beautiful! 

So for this recipe I just used whatever was in my house and you can do the same. 

1 artichoke
1 lemon
1 cup of apple juice
2 cups of water
1 bunch of cilantro
Pinch of Tajin Seasoning

1. Like you would do with all your fruits and vegetables, make sure you wash them before cutting :-)

2.Next grab your chef's knife and slice about 3/4 of an inch off the tip of the artichoke. Then pull off some of the leaves near the stem and afterwards slice off the stem. Some people enjoy the taste of the stem but I usually just put it in my compost. Using kitchen scissors snip off any thorns that the artichoke make have. 

3. To add extra flavor and to make sure the artichoke doesn't turn brown rub it with lemon. 

4. Then place the artichoke in a bowl/container of enough water and half of lemon juice to cover it. 

4. Measure out your liquid ingredients. I used apple juice because that's what I had in my refrigerator but you can use anything that you feel would add flavor to the artichoke. This is your chance to be creative so don't be afraid to use any type of liquid ex. grape juice, orange juice or salted water. I added 1 cup of apple juice and two cups of water. 

5. After measuring out the liquids pour them into a pot and add 1 entire lemon, cilantro and your favorite seasoning. I chose a spicy and sweet seasoning that is most commonly used for fruit. Add your artichoke in and let it come to a boil. 

6.  Let the artichoke cook for about 30 minutes. The bigger the artichoke, the longer it will need to be cooked for. You will know when it is ready once the leaves start to open. 

7. Lastly rip apart the leaves and get your source of fiber! Artichoke is most popularly served with butter but it taste great plain. Enjoy! 

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